Conquering The Push-Up!
First off, here is an introduction to the push up. If you’re a novice to push-ups, use these progressions to lock in the perfect push-up.
If you’re a pro already, take on my 3000 Rep Push Up Challenge below!
To drastically improve your push-up in 30 days,
do my 3000 Rep Challenge[CLICK BELOW]
* Keep your core tight. This keeps your body straight like a board.
* 45 degrees at the elbows.
* Don’t chicken peck with your face.
* Proper set up is shoulders in line with your shoulders, but just wider than your shoulders.
If you struggle with any of these, videos to correct mistakes can be founds below!
MISTAKE 1: Elbow Flare + Hand Position
* Keep elbows at 45 degrees
* Hands should be just wider than shoulder width, but still in line with shoulders.
MISTAKE 2: Floor Humping + Arched Back
* Keep your core engaged so your body is straight as a board.
* Don’t compromise form the more reps you do.
MISTAKE 3: Chicken Pecking
* It may feel like you’re closer to the floor, but you’re not.
* Tuck your chin and lead with your body.
MISTAKE 4: Partial Range of Motion
* Count every rep that isn’t perfect as a failed rep.
* Chest to floor is where a full rep is achieved.